Sharelord 2.0

Very simply, Sharelord could be the turning point in your financial life.
There is only one difference between you and Sharelord – and that is knowledge. This is what Sharelord is designed to do, to bridge the gap in the fastest way possible. Sharelord is “Specialised knowledge” that when acted upon is potentially life changing. Sharelord brings to you “Timeless strategies and thought-provoking system ideas.”

AlphaShark – Covered Calls

Why make 2.6% holding the 10-Year note? Selling a covered-call, also known as buy-write, is the only strategy the OCC considers to be ‘non-speculative. Learn the ins and outs of this strategy through this comprehensive course. Learn how to calculate risk, reward and breakeven levels using this strategy. Learn how a trader should select strikes to sell and how to know a good setup when one presents itself.